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The Root of All Disease Chapter 11

The Root of All disease Chapter 11: The Toxic Mineral Belief

We all know about toxic metals (toxic metallic minerals), and most people have been led to believe that so-called toxic minerals are bad regardless of their source. This is not necessarily true. Let’s take aluminum as an example. Aluminum, as found in the soil, is a metallic mineral. It has always bothered me that so many of our supposed leaders, intellectuals, doctors, and nutritionists know so little about this element. It has been criticized beyond belief. Granted, metallic aluminum, like that which can be dissolved or leached from aluminum pans or utensils, may be highly harmful, and I genuinely believe it is. But what about aluminum from food? You’re probably asking yourself, “Did he say foods contain aluminum”? Don’t be surprised because the answer is YES!

Foods also contain other “thought to be” toxic minerals. Questions have been raised about the presence of aluminum, cadmium, lead, mercury, and other supposedly toxic minerals in the Senonian plant-derived liquid minerals. These questions are certainly reasonable, and there are theories on both sides of the issue. However, experimental trials with measurements of toxic mineral levels over time are a more accurate way of answering these questions than theories, however reasonable they may seem. Humans have consumed Senonian Plant minerals since 1932, and there has never been a reported side effect, illness, toxic reaction, or death from their use. That’s 90 years with nothing but positive results, and now these plant-derived minerals are sold to delighted customers in fifty or so countries.

toxicity trial

Gary Price Todd, M. D., and Certified Ophthalmologist who practiced in Waynesville, North Carolina, conducted a toxicity trial on some of his patients. Dr. Todd used the Senonian Minerals in his tests for more than five years. He asked his study group to take three ounces of the Senonian liquid minerals each day, a potent dose, along with three grams of Vitamin C and a multiple vitamin/mineral supplement. Dr. Todd chose to “follow” aluminum, cadmium, lead, and mercury levels in hair specimens over time. He believed hair level tests of potentially toxic minerals are more accurate than blood tests, as our bodies “clear” these minerals from the bloodstream relatively fast.

Dr. Todd reported that at 3 months, levels of aluminum, lead, and cadmium had all risen slightly. Mercury was not significantly changed. At four to six months, aluminum, lead, cadmium, and mercury levels had all DECREASED dramatically. In a different group of individuals, measured before treatment and at 8 and 16 months, aluminum, cadmium, and lead levels declined. Mercury in this group was NOT at detectable levels either before or after treatment. Dr. Todd points out that the successful clearing of potentially toxic metallic minerals (as well as other potentially harmful substances) from our bodies first requires the “mobilization” of these minerals from the “storage” sites such as bones, teeth, etc. If this “mobilization” is successful, the potentially toxic minerals are then cleared from the body, and measured levels decline over time. This occurred with every individual that used the Senonian Minerals in Dr. Todd’s study.

Toxic Mineral Elimination by Mineral Substitution

Dr. Todd wrote a paper entitled “Toxic Mineral Elimination by Mineral Substitution.” He stressed the need for Senonian Minerals to detoxify the body in order to remove the toxic metallic minerals. I want to be more specific about aluminum. All aluminum that comes from food is PRE-assimilated by the plant, and it is naturally tied to hydrogen in the form of sulfate. Senonian plant-derived minerals are naturally rich in sulfate.


Naturally occurring aluminum sulfate minerals are alums used in styptics and antiseptics. We all know aluminum hydroxide is used extensively as a food additive worldwide. Therefore, if aluminum is harmful, why have you lived so long, and why is it used in food processing or as ingredients in deodorizers, antacids, and face makeup, and nearly without exception in many municipal water systems throughout the world? Alum sulfate increases stomach acidity, improves digestion and absorption of nutrients, stimulates gastric and pancreatic secretion, and has a mild diuretic effect. Incidentally, the World Health Organization estimates that the average adult dietary aluminum intake ranges between 10 and 15 milligrams (mg) daily. See if you agree after reading the following several pages.


Aluminum is one of the most abundant minerals on earth, second only to silica. It is in virtually everything we touch, most of the air we breathe, most water we drink, and most food we eat. I am particularly alarmed to learn Government Officials in some countries either are unaware of or want to suppress the fact that aluminum is one of if not the most abundant minerals in many of our foods!

One Scandinavian country used to say it was unlawful to consume more than 2 mg of aluminum daily, regardless of the source! We spoke to several well-known laboratory and food chemists about this country’s legal limits. Needless to say, they were pretty amused by this. Can you imagine an entire country, in this advanced age, being so UNINFORMED about food? Apparently, the U. S. Government is aware of aluminum in food because the U. S. does not have an established limit. If we did and it was small, we would have a hard time staying alive.

We obtained copies of the results of lab tests for aluminum in certain plant foods. The results came from the A & L laboratory Agronomy handbook used by many agronomists worldwide. The page headings state, “Plant Analysis Guide Nutrient Sufficiency Ranges.” I understand the tests are made on plant petals, vines, and even fruit or nut, depending on the type of plant bearing the food. The amounts are listed in parts per billion (PPB). So that you know, PPB and MCG/L (micrograms per liter) are considered the same. The test results have a low and a high amount obtained from different tests on the same food or plant species. The averages are listed below:

The root of all disease chapter 11 table 1
A question

I spoke to many people while participating in a National Health Foods show in Anaheim, California, in early 1995. First, I directed a simple question to more than forty people individually. Several had PhD’s in food chemistry, at least eight were certified nutritionists, two were medical doctors, four were chiropractors, and the balance was health food store owners. My question to each was, “would you eat food if you knew it contained aluminum, arsenic, lead, or nickel?” Without hesitation, each person replied, “absolutely not!” I was shocked to learn that so many supposedly well-schooled nutritional people were unaware that these minerals could be found in nearly all the foods we eat.

To prove my point, we contracted a well-known reputable laboratory to perform a spectrographic test for total mineral content on several well-known foods. The lab purchased these food items from a Midwest supermarket. The test results are below:

Table 2
Table 3
plant-derived aluminum

Nearly all plants contain aluminum; if your mineral supplement contains little or no aluminum, it is NOT plant-derived. If it is not plant-derived, it is also NOT negatively charged. Therefore, it is not very well assimilated or absorbed. However, according to food chemistry, plant-derived minerals are 100% absorbable. If this is true, comparing any metallic mineral to a Senonian plant-derived mineral would be like comparing sawdust to oatmeal. Pure Senonian plant-derived minerals result from plants converting hydrophobic metallic minerals to hydrophilic (water soluble) minerals through the root system as they grow by a process known to science as photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy into chemical energy by living organisms. The raw materials for this natural process are carbon dioxide and water. The very carbon dioxide that climate change fanatics in the utterly discredited WEF want to LIMIT! The energy source is SUNLIGHT, and the end products include glucose and life-giving oxygen. Through this process, the plant assimilates or digests the metallic mineral; therefore, the human body can more easily incorporate it.

This natural process basically sidesteps the standard digestive time of about 15 hours, as required for the small number of metallic minerals to be actually utilized.

plant-derived minerals ignorance

Nearly everyone, including recognized nutritional experts, MISUNDERSTAND or are IGNORANT or OBLIVIOUS about plant-derived minerals. They group plant-derived minerals with metallic minerals from oyster shells, calcium carbonate, limestone, soil and clay, and sea salts. Supposedly, too many of these metallic elements have toxic effects on the body. But, again, according to Dr. Gary Price Todd, the human body is NOT designed to absorb or assimilate and use metallic minerals.

Dr. Todd said humans were intended to eat mineral-rich plants, NOT the SOIL in which they grow! Doctor Todd also said, “Our bodies are similar to electric generators. There is ELECTRIC conductivity between the cells, and this conductivity is vital to cellular functions. Still, this conductivity can’t be transmitted if minerals are inadequate in the body fluids between and inside the cells. We live and die at the cellular level, so we need to heed what might be killing us. We must focus on wellness instead of treatment! You hear about epidemics. We are seeing an epidemic of chronic disease throughout the world.”

chelated minerals

Nearly seventy years ago, health practitioners and chemists in the health food industry realized that humans could not assimilate or absorb more than 5% to 8% of the metallic minerals they consumed. This was an industry-wide problem. As a result, chelated minerals were developed in the laboratory. This process involved wrapping amino acids or protein around metallic minerals to help the body metabolize them. This process eased the problem because these added dissolvers increased the assimilation to 40%. However, chelated or not, the fact remains they are still METALLIC minerals of hydrophobic origin. They are NOT plant-derived and, therefore, not in the ideal ionic configuration. So, AVOID chelated minerals if you come across them in health food stores.

End of The Root of All Disease Chapter 11

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