About Elmer Heinrich
Mr. Elmer G. Heinrich is Chairman of TRC Nutritional Laboratories of Tulsa, Oklahoma and Minerals, Inc. of Emery, Utah. He was the first person to introduce plant-derived minerals to the world. TRC is world-renowned as the unrivaled, long-term producer of superb quality pure plant-derived minerals. The TRC warehouse, production facility and office pictured below is one of the most modern nutritional production facilities in the USA:

About the Book
Elmer wrote the book called The Root of All Disease while President of U.S. Naturals LLC in the 1990s. PureMinerals.UK has amended little bits of the book to bring it up to date (2023). It is a thoroughly good read and very educational, especially in light of the crazy Covid nonsense everyone has experienced since 2020.
The book consists of 14 chapters, each of which will be uploaded to this website in order. After that, the entire book will be made available as a free PDF download. The information it contains is crucial as it is not part of physicians' training, so don't bother asking your doctor about the importance of having 75+ pure plant-derived minerals in your diet. Doctors are basically agents for big pharmaceutical companies and are not allowed to prescribe or recommend products that are not part of big pharma's inventory.
The Root of All Disease Chapter 1
The Root of All Disease Chapter 1
The early Earth must have been a vision of hell, an elemental place of rock and gases, where the sun was fainter than now and the moon, orbiting at less than a tenth of its current distance, looked immense. The terrain was unimaginable, all scalding rock, unbearable heat, and choking fumes. Since then, its surface has cooled, continents have drifted, mountains have risen and eroded, and life has emerged benign and green.
Nearly all traces of the early planet have been wiped away. Plant life emerged before land life came about, and scientists believe all land life, in the beginning, was vegetarian. Can you imagine how unbelievably nutritious plant life must have been?
The Earth was new! There were at least 84 minerals everywhere near the Earth’s surface, so plants had to be EXTREMELY nutritious. This type of plant nutrition existed for millions of years, but eventually, the Earth succumbed to wind and rain erosion, continuous plant growth and man’s unwise farming practices, and, ultimately, chemical fertilizers.
As time passed, the minerals became DEPLETED near the Earth’s surface. This depletion began several thousand years ago but was dramatically accelerated two to three hundred years ago, and now it is like a PLAGUE. The soil near the top eight feet of the Earth, where our plants grow, is severely devoid of minerals compared to millions of years ago. When you test surface soil today, from ANYWHERE in the world, you find NO MORE THAN 20 minerals. However, when you test Earth from a much deeper zone, or if you test volcanic ash, you find AT LEAST 84 minerals. This provides proof our surface soils are DEFICIENT in minerals. If soil is deficient in these vital organic molecules, our plants and foods will be LACKING in these organic molecules. You don’t need a PhD in realism to understand this problem. We must come to our senses and understand that the nutritional quality of food and, consequently, the HEALTH of the animals and humans eating that food are determined by SOIL FERTILITY.
The longevity and vitality of your life are relative to your lifestyle, activities, and health. Much of your health depends on the nutrient value your body receives. We are what we eat, they say, so all of us should be alarmed by new research from several well-recognized research teams that suggest the nutritional value of modern foods isn’t just declining, it’s collapsing. This research is a warning of imminent approaching danger! We are losing our minerals, the fundamental source and the basic building blocks of life. I’m not just referring to processed foods. I’m talking about fresh fruits and vegetables and basic foodstuffs such as milk, cheese, beef, and chicken.
Further on, I will produce evidence that during the last 60 years, the level of iron, a vital mineral for good health, has dropped 55 percent in the average rump steak. During the same period, magnesium plummeted by 21 percent, and calcium was also significantly lower. In fact, every mineral, except the three used to fertilize today’s farmlands, was anywhere from 10 percent to 40 percent lower than 60 years ago.
Life as we know it requires liquid water, energy, and organic molecules. These organic molecules are minerals, the very source of physical life. However, they are disappearing at an alarming rate. The minerals that create the very specific lattice structures found in the mineral kingdom create the same structure within our physical framework. They are specific for healing as well. In the embryonic state, if some of these vital components are missing, the physical body will be missing what it needs to build the various organs and structures. Everything is mineral dependent! We need to take notice that our foods are nutritionally bloated with chemical fertilizers that attempt to invigorate minerally depleted soils.
Down on the commercial farm, quantity now triumphs over quality at every turn, and, in their desperation to make even a halfway decent living, many of today’s Farmers, pushed by their supermarket masters to produce high yields at low cost, seem to have forgotten that there was a reason their grandfathers farmed differently. The nutritional value of food usually drops in direct relationship to the increase in bulk production. Today, the nutritional value of food is lower than ever in history, and it will continue a rapid decline in the future. The soil is our primary healthcare system and, when healthy, is the source of more than 98% of human nutrition. However, today we find our soil is depleted and sick from overuse.
diminishing nutritional value
The long-term prospects of diminishing nutritional value of our foods are alarming! The problem is real, and what is even more alarming is that there is nothing we can do about it! World Governments are concerned about climate change, and some effort is being made, slowly, I might add, to address this catastrophe. I’m sure global warming could be reversed if every country put forth the initiative to reduce the elements that threaten our atmosphere. But what are World Governments going to do to re-mineralize the soils? Absolutely nothing because this is impossible on a worldwide scale. Yes, farmers could fallow and let their land lay idle for a year or two. This would improve the food somewhat, but it would not put back the depleted minerals. They are gone, and they likely will never be back in the top eight feet of the Earth’s surface, where our plants grow, until the earth encounters another ice age, and according to some experts, that is probably about 90,000 years away.
Despite all the apparent advances in broadacre industrial agriculture, the nutritional qualities of our basic foodstuffs have been declining rapidly during this century. Many of our modern-day farmers are on a treadmill of dependency on fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, and plant food that creates abnormal growth and very little nutrition due to a lack of minerals in the soil. The food and farm industries don’t like to hear about mineral depletion in soils, but the new findings are totally in line with other prominent research that leads to one shocking conclusion. Chemically dependent modern farming methods do not produce nutritious food for several reasons. In the first place, they are not designed to and can’t because of the mineral problem.
These mineral deficiencies exist all over the world. I admire the Government of the United Kingdom because they acknowledge and are not ashamed of the problem and also admit they have a mineral depletion catastrophe. In 2000, the Soil Association quoted figures from the Department of Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs, that trace minerals in the UK fruit and vegetables had fallen by 76 percent. Similar figures from the United States Department of Agriculture indicated that this wasn’t just a British problem. Soil mineral depletion presents the greatest test, overall, that humans have yet faced. We can’t wait generations to screw around with this calamity. We have to take steps now to slow down the minerals depletion problem.
Minerals, as we know them, are locked in the earth’s crust. As land dwellers, our main link with minerals is through a diet of plants that can extract and assimilate metallic minerals from the soil as they grow. Our secondary link is from the meats of animals that eat plants. Minerals are essential for our well-being, yet they have always been taken for granted, and few of us have given them a second thought. Until a few years ago, no one knew of or cared about the importance of these essential building blocks that comprise 96 percent of our bodies. Now that minerals are enjoying tremendous success in the marketplace, it is only prudent that users learn more about them. Mere knowledge of minerals, their importance, and their differences may shed new light on why they are so necessary for us to stay healthy. Without minerals, nothing else, including vitamins and enzymes, will benefit our health.
Excellent health
Excellent health should be for anyone who has a goal and wants to meet that goal. That should include all of us! We should be healthy, vibrant, and strong throughout our adult lives. If we lack minerals, that is an impossibility! Also, we may need to make some lifestyle changes for minerals to provide their utmost benefit. Extending your life and growing biologically younger is a rational desire because we definitely have reasonable processes that will do just that. These changes may include a food selection change, better drinking water, more stretching and exercise, less stress, more rest, less smoking and drinking, fewer prescription drugs, and the intake of considerably more usable oxygen. Physical, mental, and spiritual health are linked to one’s lifestyle, so lifestyle changes may also be necessary. A complete spectrum of minerals is the benchmark for ultimate and total nutrition but not the full answer to excellent health.
For us to understand the importance of minerals, we must first understand how minerals are composed. Minerals from the earth are naturally occurring, homogeneous inorganic substances with a specific chemical composition and characteristic crystalline structure, color, and hardness. These minerals are known as hydrophobic “metallic minerals,” composed of different elements. For example, the mineral silica is composed of the elements silicon and oxygen. Metallic minerals are not carbon and are not bound to carbon, yet they participate in a multitude of biochemical processes necessary for the maintenance of health in human beings and all living species that inhabit our planet. Biologists estimate that there are as many as 100 million life form species on earth and everyone is dependent on minerals.
Nearly everything on earth is comprised of minerals. Your ring, belt buckle, lampshade, stove, wallpaper, flooring, and automobile would not exist without minerals. God made man from minerals, and man requires minerals for his mere existence. Every other living creature has the same requirement. There would be no life without minerals! Minerals control millions of chemical and enzymatic processes and reactions that occur in the human body at all times. The same is true for animals. This knowledge should make us aware of the importance of minerals for humanity’s survival.
Although some are very rare, more than 100 mineral elements are found on Earth. Four of these, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen, make up 96 percent of our body. The remaining 4 percent of our body is made up in part of 70 or more minerals, many of which are not in our bodies anymore and most of which are no longer readily available in our soils. The world governments and scientific communities have grouped minerals into two categories. Those that are considered to be required in our diets in amounts greater than 100 milligrams per day are called major minerals. Those deemed to be needed in our diets in quantities of less than 100 milligrams per day are called trace minerals.
Both major and trace minerals are in the same class. According to the World Health Organization, the only difference is the name and the recommended daily intake (RDI) required. There are only 7 major minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, and chlorine. Our bodies should contain significant amounts of each! Trace minerals, on the other hand, are present in the body in very small amounts. It is thought that each makes up less than one hundredth of one percent of our body weight.