Minerals for Health

You must give your body all the raw materials it needs to maintain and renew itself in order to enjoy a healthy and disease-free life...yet so many people are suffering because they don’t know why or how, or much of anything about minerals for health. Also, the raw natural nutrients so vital to your health can be challenging to find. Many years of commercial farming, food processing, mining, irrigation, pesticides, synthetic additives, and pollution have destroyed and removed the life-giving minerals from our soil.

Soil Mineral Deficiency

Mineral-deficient soils mean fewer minerals for health for us all. Mineral-deficient soils are then used to grow and cultivate our food. If the life-giving trace minerals are not in the ground, they are certainly not in the food, and devastatingly, they are not in YOU or your pets. Because of this shortage of minerals, your food is highly likely to lack the essential minerals necessary to live a long and healthy life.

Most trace minerals are absent from today's fruit and vegetables

“Eat five-a-day fruit & veg”

Dr. Linus Pauling (two-time Nobel Laureate) has stated:

“The root of all disease is directly related to a lack of minerals.”

The absolute best minerals for your body are ‘plant-derived’; don’t even think about using metallic minerals. Plant-derived minerals are by far the best minerals for health. Metallic minerals are the cheap, ineffective type you find in most health shops. You are basically eating ground-up rock and clay instead of the pure hydrophilic plant-derived minerals your body is screaming out for. Have you ever tried eating rocks?

Essential minerals for health

Plant-derived minerals are absolutely essential to your health and longevity. Fortunately, we have seen dramatic results in some people with chronic degenerative diseases where mainstream physicians and doctors have given up hope. Of course, big pharmaceutical drug companies have zero financial interest whatsoever in educating the medical community about ‘meager profit’ plant-derived minerals. Indeed, they can’t ‘patent’ mother nature’s natural products. Bill Gates tried that with lemons and got a rude awakening.

Minerals for health

What Can You Do To Stay Really Healthy and Look Younger? And is it possible to stop...

Diabetes ... Heart Disease... Arthritis?

We all age, and that’s normal. But many people suffer from heart disease, joint pain, diabetes, eyesight problems, hearing difficulties, and many other serious degenerative diseases because we simply don’t care for ourselves and our bodies. We don’t give our bodies the nutrients – the raw building blocks of life, the plant-derived minerals and vitamins you need to fight back and keep us in the best health. In many ways, we’re starving ourselves into ill health, and every one of us needs to THINK about why they lack minerals for health.

Every day we deplete ourselves...

Think about it. We’re stressed from work and everyday life. We’re tired from commuting and traveling. As a result, we eat on the go and mostly choose the wrong foods. We sleep badly because we’re depleted of the essential minerals for health our bodies need to give us the zing and zest that living today demands. Then, out of nowhere, you get arthritis, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, etc., and you think it’s just bad luck. It’s not... you have simply starved yourself of critical nutrients because they are not in your food in the right amounts. Your body is basically defenseless without minerals for health.

You know what it’s like...

You look gray and feel tired. You look pale, and your eyes look tired. Wrinkles develop early, your hair lacks bounce, and your skin doesn’t glow. Concentration gets more demanding, your eyesight deteriorates, and you feel worn out most of the time. When this occurs, you’re an illness just waiting to happen. You need a lot more plant-derived minerals for health and quality vitamins.

Have you heard of subclinical disease?

Subclinical disease is an illness that stays below the surface of clinical detection. It has no recognizable clinical findings, and you feel perfectly well. It’s distinct from a clinical disease, which has signs and symptoms that can be recognized. Many diseases, such as diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, and stroke, are often subclinical long before they surface as advanced symptomatic clinical diseases.

Minerals for health deficiency

One of the major causes of subclinical disease is plant mineral deficiency. This minerals for health deficiency has serious adverse effects on long-term health. However, most people don’t realize that subclinical disease can progress undetected for decades, then emerge with painful and serious clinical symptoms in later life.

What Can You Do To Stay Really Healthy and Look Younger? And is it possible to stop...

Your body gives you early warning signs such as joint pain, harmful sleep patterns, headaches, lack of energy, etc. The two microscope pictures below show a ‘Live Blood Microscopy’ test carried out by a London Harley Street Specialist. Plant minerals and trace minerals work at the cellular level to help prevent subclinical and clinical diseases inside your body:

Blood microscopy

Dr. Gary Price-Todd stated:

“The human body needs at least 60 minerals to maintain a disease- and ailment-free state.”

Dr. Carolyn Dean MD. ND. said:

“We should be eating plant-based minerals.”

  • When a plant grows, it draws the available minerals and trace minerals from the soil. The World Health Organization, the UK Ministry of Agriculture, UNICEF, and the Royal Society of Chemistry have all produced reports showing the alarming trace mineral content decline in our foods since the 1940s.

“Minerals are the Spark Plugs of Life!”

Following Dr. Todd’s advice, it makes healthy sense that people need to find a mineral source that provides 60 or more minerals for health. Minerals that are plant-derived and possess the same chemical makeup as those found in healthy fruits and vegetables. Add those to vitamins, and your body has the top-grade fuel to power its defense systems.

Plant-derived minerals for health are natural

They are not metallic or manufactured and have not been created in a laboratory. This makes them easy for your body to absorb and use. So when choosing your minerals for health, make sure they are plant-derived, NOT metallic. Your health, well-being, intelligence, energy, functionality, immune system, and appearance depend on the body replenishing its stocks of plant minerals and vitamins several times daily.

Stay healthy

Products packed with naturally sourced plant minerals and vitamins will give you everything you need to stay healthy. You can now arm your body to cope naturally with everything that life throws at it with the right minerals for health. Remember, you cannot get enough plant-derived minerals from modern food, despite what some “experts” may tell you.

“Women Love Plant Minerals”

The added benefit is that you can look good too. Many female consumers report stronger, healthy nails, clearer eyes, softer, shinier hair, and beautiful improved skin with our 75+ minerals for health.

Trace minerals are the spark of life

Cancer Support International

Soil mineral depletion is a major worry

According to ‘Cancer Support International,’ plant-based minerals for health are different from those that come from the ground. Although minerals – even if they are metallic – have some value in balancing bodily functions. However, you could not live on clay or rock because it is not alive or enzymatically active.

Living materials

Plant-derived minerals, which have not been destroyed by heat or altered by manufactured chemicals, are, from a medical standpoint, enzymatically active living materials. Note: Plant-derived minerals should not be confused with metallic minerals, which come from salts, clay, ancient sea-beds, and ground-up rocks and soil. Have you ever tried eating rocks?

Metallic vs Plant Based Minerals

The human body is not designed to absorb, assimilate or use metallic minerals. The health food industry recognized the metallic mineral absorption problem in the mid-1970s. Some companies still wanted to use them because they are cheap to produce, but at what cost to health? We need minerals for health, not ground up rocks.

Chelated Minerals

Their solution is ‘Chelated Minerals,’ which are developed in the laboratory. This process involves wrapping amino acids or proteins around metallic minerals to help the body metabolize them. Chelation does alleviate the problem SLIGHTLY by providing a little better absorption, but nowhere near the levels obtained from pure plant-derived hydrophilic (water-loving) minerals and trace minerals for health from Mother Nature. We all know about toxic metals (toxic minerals), and most people have been led to believe that so-called toxic minerals are bad regardless of their source. This is a major misunderstanding amongst doctors.

Let’s take aluminum as an example...

Aluminum, as found in the soil, is a metallic mineral. It has always bothered us to learn that so many of our supposed leaders, intellectuals, physicians, doctors, and nutritionists know so little about this element. As a result, it has been criticized beyond belief. Okay, metallic aluminum, which can be dissolved or leached from aluminum pans, pots, or utensils, may be highly toxic or harmful. But what about aluminum from plants? The lack of knowledge in this area from so-called professionals is quite frankly embarrassing.


In the first place, every bit of aluminum that comes from a plant source is ‘pre-assimilated’ by the plant. Only plants can provide us with minerals for health. The aluminum is naturally tied to oxygen or silica, making it aluminum hydroxide or aluminum silica. Both are known to be very beneficial and extensively used as food additives worldwide. A good example is bananas; they are loaded with ‘good healthy aluminum.’

Blood Pressure and Salt (sodium chloride)

We regularly receive reports from consumers that plant-derived minerals are normalizing blood pressure. Unfortunately, some people, including doctors and health professionals, confuse the ‘sodium’ in a pre-historic plant mineral blend with table salt. But, of course, we know there is a link between table salt and high blood pressure. However, table salt is sodium chloride, whereas the ‘good’ sodium in plant-derived minerals is precisely the same form of sodium as found in every vegetable or fruit! Sodium is one of the essential minerals for health that plays a massive role in the working of the nervous system and must not be confused with ordinary table salt.

Note: The absolute best plant-derived minerals for health are basically lush green pre-historic vegetation bursting with health-giving nutrients.

Pre-historic times

Millions of years ago, the soil near the Earth’s surface had at least 84 minerals available nearly everywhere. So the plants of pre-historic times were rich in minerals because of an abundant supply. Unfortunately, the mineral content of plants has been severely altered throughout the last several million years and drastically changed over the previous 120 years, mainly because of commercial farming and food processing. As a result, even organic foods (which you should eat) are deficient in plant-derived minerals for health. The good thing about real organic food is that it should be free of carcinogenic pesticides and herbicides like glyphosate. However, all food labeled ‘organic’ is still plant mineral deficient.

Soil Erosion means fewer minerals for health

When people began to till the soil, wind, and rain, erosion began to take its toll along with continuous cropping, which gradually caused farm soils to lose minerals. According to Dr. Gary Price-Todd, MD., the human body requires at least 60 minerals for health. But alarmingly, only 8 minerals are available in any quantity in most of the food we eat today. That is very worrying. In the United States and Europe, the soils are particularly mineral deficient because of the extended use of fertilizers and “maximum yield” mass farming methods. Several leading health organizations have confirmed this.


Pre-historic plant minerals come from special mines where deposits are 70 million years old. In those days, dinosaurs grew to enormous sizes because 84+ trace minerals and nutrients were available in the soil. Those animals had plenty of minerals for health. Isn’t it time you started to consume the same natural ‘super nutrition’ and those all-important 75+ pure plant-derived hydrophilic minerals?

Life is sacred, but good health is essential

Sizzling Minerals For Health

Sizzling Minerals

Most of us have been hearing about vitamins since we were children. And even today, we hear authoritative sources say to be sure to take your vitamins, but seldom do you hear anyone say be sure to take your minerals! Vitamins are sometimes expected to do more than they are actually capable of in isolation.

Minerals for health are essential

Our bodies can go far longer suffering from a deficiency of vitamins than they can with a shortage of minerals. Did you know that all the vitamins in the world would do us little good without minerals? The minerals in our bodies are so essential that the body will go to desperate lengths to maintain its balance. If a cell is deficient in a single mineral, it will suffer the loss of several minerals. 

Hydrophobic minerals

Most of the better mineral formulations available today contain at most 10 to 15 minerals because they are metallic minerals derived from the earth. This type of mineral is known as a hydrophobic mineral. Basically, it will not interact with water because it is not water-soluble, and certainly not one of the minerals for health.

Hydrophilic minerals

The type of mineral which comes from a plant has been assimilated or digested by the plant and is known as a water-soluble, plant-derived, hydrophilic mineral. Hydrophilic minerals are the kinds of minerals for health that your body needs (as nature intended) so that it can repair itself and function at optimal health. Pure pre-historic plant minerals come from vegetation that grew millions of years ago.

TRC mines in Utah

The ancient hydrophilic minerals are now found in special mines in Utah, USA, and can be obtained from specialist suppliers like the one to which this website is connected. You won’t find hydrophilic minerals for health in the high street shops in any significant quantity. Remember, you are looking for 60+ plant-derived minerals and trace minerals for health (not metallic ones).

Minerals for Health: Consumer Testimonials

Minerals for Health: Type 2 Diabetes & High Blood Pressure – A Thing Of The Past!

II have suffered from Type 2 Diabetes for five years, High Blood Pressure for 14 years approx., Osteoarthritis pain in my knee for 21 years and taking Doctor’s medication and also nutrition supplements from different companies and yet I continue to suffer. II have now weaned myself off all the doctor’s medications. My right 4th toe no longer goes over my big toe, as deformity had started. For the past three months I can now walk flat as my right foot had a tendency to arch due to the deformity that was creeping in because of Arthritis. Thanks to discovering the miracle of Plant Derived Minerals my life has improved dramatically.

Neville – London

Minerals for Health: More Energy

Trace minerals testimonial

Minerals for Health: Increased Energy

Since my friend recommended that I try Plant Derived Minerals, I’ve been very impressed. The first thing I noticed was increased energy, plus my nails are growing fast (I play a guitar so have to cut them nearly every day now). I’m going to be on these plant minerals forever.

Paul Bradbury

Minerals for Health: 83-Year-Old Says “No Thanks” to Doctor

“I would like to say how thrilled I am about Sizzling Minerals. Being an active 83-year-old, I really didn’t think that there was very much that would benefit my health. My doctor keeps trying to introduce me to different medications to help me combat some health problems that I have. “I really am not, and never have been, a ‘pill popper’ and graciously refused. I have to say I feel like my body clock has been reset by 20 years at least!

More energy

I now have so much energy during the day that I no longer need my cat naps in the afternoon and I really feel that my general health is significantly better. My doctor is also impressed with my improved health. In fact, my blood pressure is normal (for my age) for the first time in many years. I cannot help but tell everyone about what Sizzling Plant Trace Minerals can do. I understand now why my nephew is so passionate about them... I am too. Thank you for the information.”

Betty Williams, Manchester

Minerals for Health: Racehorse Breeder

Racehorse owner's plant-derived minerals testimonial

Minerals for Health: Multiple Sclerosis – “Mike Has Never Felt Healthier”

I am 63-years-old and am a sufferer of Multiple Sclerosis and I have been taking Plant Derived Sizzling Minerals. At first, I thought the good feelings that I was experiencing was possibly a Psychosomatic as in the past I had this kind of early reaction with supplements. However, after nearly nine months taking Plant Derived Minerals, I must let you know that whilst the MS symptoms I have are still there I have never felt as healthy as I am right now. “I have stopped taking the Medication that I have been prescribed by the medical profession and am not missing it one bit. I recommend that everybody should take plant minerals every day to keep the doctor away.

Mike Whitewood, Newquay

Minerals for Health: Chronic Asthma

I’ve had chronic asthma for most of my life and been on medication. I was very sceptical but I thought ‘I would give it a go.’ What a fantastic job Sizzling Minerals have done. I will take this for the rest of my life. I implore everyone to try them and see what they can do for you.

Nikki Niven, Irvine

Minerals for Health: BA Pilot

A pilot's tale

Minerals for Health: Fred Says “Pain going after 15 Years”

“I have suffered with osteoarthritis in my hands for well over fifteen years. I have just about every anti-inflammatory medicine medicine available bit I still had restrictive movement in my fingers and it was getting worse. After taking my daily plant minerals for a few short weeks, I now have little or no pain in my hands and fingers. I don’t need to use special knives, forks, spoons and other equipment provided by the occupational therapist. I wholeheartedly recommend anyone to the fantastic world of health that the plant derived minerals in Sizzling Minerals brings.”

Fred Burgess, Lytham St. Annes

Minerals for Health: Suffered Psoriasis for 20 Years

“Over the past 20 years, I have suffered from psoriasis on various parts of my body, including elbows, face, scalp and patches on the stomach and back. I have had many flare ups over the years which have resulted in hospital treatment by dermatologists. I have been semi controlling my psoriasis by a daily application of coal tar solutions and very greasy moisturisers, which was frankly a very time consuming and smelly process and not nice for my partner.

Plant Minerals

I was introduced to plant minerals, I was very sceptical at first as I have have tried just about everything to try and get rid of this embarrassing skin condition, but I gave it a go as the cost to buy some was small. In just 3 weeks of taking the plant minerals I have been truly amazed at the results, my face is completely clear, my elbows are clear and the patches on my body have become much flatter and not as red, so I think it is only a matter of time before I am free from psoriasis for good. THANK YOU SO MUCH !!”

James Stallard, Doncaster

Now That You Understand The Miracle Of Pre-Historic Plant Minerals for Health, What Next?

Plant-derived trace minerals

Useful links: calcium; magnesium; selenium; zinc

list of 102 minerals in the human body; what do minerals do for the body; 3 most important minerals for the body; vitamins and minerals function; what do the major minerals do