Minerals Guide – MAGNESIUM

Magnesium-rich Foods
Magnesium is a crucial mineral that plays a vital role in many bodily functions, including muscle and nerve function, blood sugar regulation, and bone health. If you want to increase your magnesium intake, consider the five magnesium-rich foods described at the end of this article.
Healthy Magnesium Levels are Vital
Eating magnesium-rich foods is vital because magnesium is the fourth most common mineral in the body. Most of the mineral is stored in the bones and teeth. Magnesium is crucial for the functioning of over 300 biological catalysts (enzymes) and participating in significant metabolic reactions such as protein synthesis, the creation of genetic material, and energy production from the monosaccharide sugar glucose. In addition, the mineral maintains tissue function, especially muscles, bronchi, blood vessels, and nerves. In other words, without magnesium, cells have no energy and will die.
Magnesium Salts
It’s known that magnesium plays a critical role in the pumping of sodium, potassium, calcium, and chloride salt components across cell membranes. In addition, the mineral effectively helps moves ions against electrical gradients, and in the case of nerve cells, electrical charge (messages) pass from neuron to neuron. Also, magnesium is essential in controlling calcium entry into heart cells to maintain a regular heartbeat. Magnesium is also known to be a co-factor in essential fatty acid metabolism and in the way sex hormones work. It also helps in the production of brain chemicals like dopamine that control moods. So, eating magnesium-rich foods is a no-brainer.
Magnesium and Blood Pressure
Did you know that high blood pressure is less common in hard-water areas where calcium and magnesium levels in the water are high? In Finland, it was found that the use of low sodium, higher magnesium, and potassium table salt was linked to a lower incidence of high blood pressure in the population. Unfortunately, more studies need to be done because supplementing with magnesium doesn’t seem to reduce blood pressure by much. [1] Perhaps people need plant-derived magnesium, as in Sizzling Minerals?
Magnesium and the Heart
Heart attacks are also less common in hard-water areas. People with low magnesium levels are at risk of coronary artery spasms (angina and heart attacks) and sudden death caused by abnormal heart rhythms. These effects are more common when people are under stress. So, magnesium treatment is given to patients immediately following a heart attack as that widens coronary blood vessels and reduces the formation of platelet blood clotting. (Magnesium-rich foods sound like a good preventative, and Sizzling Minerals). Indeed, trials suggest that intravenous magnesium is effective in settling the heartbeat in people with rapid atrial fibrillation. [2]
Magnesium and Diabetes
Several studies involving over a quarter of a million people show that high magnesium intake significantly lowers the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Taking magnesium supplements may raise good HDL cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes. [3]
Magnesium and Asthma
Asthmatics suffer from airway spasms (asthma attacks). Studies show they are likely magnesium deficient [5] and that intravenous magnesium therapy, in conjunction with bronchodilator drugs (inhalers), improves respiratory function in kids but, unfortunately, has only a slight effect on adults. Therefore, they may need plant-derived magnesium rather than manufactured supplements.
Magnesium and Osteoporosis
Now that we know magnesium regulates the transfer of calcium ions across cell membranes, no matter the electrical gradient, magnesium is essential to prevent osteoporosis. Osteoporosis means porous bones – a disease that is basically preventable. Bone is a tissue composed of collagen fibers packed with mineral salts. The most important of these bone minerals is calcium phosphate. These minerals are constantly being replaced in a finely balanced process.
Porous bones
Osteoporosis happens when the mineral replacement becomes imbalanced, and there are inadequate amounts of fresh minerals to replace the worn-out bone. The result is bone thinning – porosity in bones – described succinctly by the term osteoporosis. Thin bones are brittle and easily cracked. Keeping on top of this with a daily diet of magnesium-rich foods is a good idea. Also, taking magnesium supplements for a couple of years has been shown to increase bone mineral density significantly. [4]
Chronic Fatigue
Red blood cell magnesium deficiency seems to be linked with the ailment called chronic fatigue. However, the jury is out as to whether this is actually the case. That’s because some studies found hardly any differences in bodily magnesium levels between chronic syndrome sufferers and those without the ailment. [6] Eating plant-derived magnesium from magnesium-rich foods over the long term or supplementing with Sizzling Minerals could improve things.
Premenstrual Syndrome
Red blood cell magnesium levels are low in women suffering from premenstrual syndrome, or PMS for short. Amazingly, magnesium deficiency is common, with 85 percent of the fertile female population aged 19-24 eating less than the RDA of 300 mg. [7] So, it was not surprising when researchers found red blood cell magnesium levels in a sample of over one hundred women with PMS were significantly lower than the rest of the population. [8]
The jury is out
The jury is out as to whether magnesium supplementation with products from the chemical industry does much of anything. But it will be a good idea to ensure you get the 300 mg RDA by eating magnesium-rich foods like those described below. Also, taking a refreshing Sizzling Minerals drink packed with 75+ pure plant-derived minerals, which includes 93 mg of magnesium, or around a third of the RDA, will be a good idea. But you can't be magnesium-rich foods.
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of disorders impinging on a person’s ability to move and maintain balance. It is the most common motor disability in kids. Cerebral means this problem is to do with the brain. [9] Six trials using nearly 5,000 women discovered that when women of preterm delivery before 34 weeks of pregnancy were given magnesium sulfate supplements, the chances of cerebral palsy in the children nosedived by almost a third. [10]
Another study
Another study involving 6,000 babies discovered magnesium can help with muscle control difficulties. [11] How the mineral magnesium protects the brain from cerebral palsy is not known for sure. It may center around better-functioning nerve fibers or even improved blood flow to the brain. One thing’s for sure: we all need at least 300 mg of magnesium daily. But Think About THIS Question 👉 Which mineral resides at the center of the porphyrin ring molecule that is at the heart of plant PHOTOSYNTHESIS?
The answer is MAGNESIUM.
And which mineral resides at the center of the porphyrin ring molecule that is at the heart of animal RESPIRATION?
The answer is IRON.
The biochemistry of plants and animals clearly have a shared evolution. Is that why we humans need magnesium in our bodies just as much as we need iron? Probably. And why we should eat magnesium-rich foods.
Have Peace of Mind
Get your pure plant-derived minerals and have peace of mind that you’re not mineral depleted. But please don’t rely on just Sizzling Minerals to cover everything. You also need the 16 essential vitamins. You get the vitamins from a varied diet. However, in this world of rush and hurry, and working hard to make ends meet, sometimes it’s challenging to eat properly. So, if you can, divert some of your energy to acquiring all the minerals and vitamins, your body needs to stay healthy.
Post Covid
This website is showing you the way. Post Covid, who knows what will come up next from the health manipulators at the WHO and elsewhere? At least you now know via this website how to make sure you, your loved ones, and your pets have a way to counter the effects of soil mineral depletion and poor farming practices. We all need 75+ hydrophilic, pure plant-derived minerals and the 16 essential vitamins to stay healthy and avoid modern maladies. This scribe has recovered from Guillain Barre Syndrome and is now 67 and feeling like a 40-year-old. Anyway, below are the five best sources of magnesium-rich foods you can come across. They are plant-derived. Plus, of course, Sizzling Minerals.
Magnesium-Rich Foods – 5 Amazing Foods to Boost Your Magnesium Levels

Spinach is one of the nutrient-packed magnesium-rich foods that are not only rich in magnesium but also in vitamins and other minerals, as well as antioxidants. One cup of cooked spinach contains about 157 mg of magnesium, nearly half the recommended daily intake for adults. Spinach is versatile and can be added to salads, smoothies, omelets, and pasta dishes. Spinach is one of the best magnesium-rich foods.
Almonds are a tasty snack and a great source of magnesium. One ounce of almonds contains about 80mg of magnesium, about 25% of the recommended daily intake for adults. Almonds are also high in healthy fats, fiber, and protein, making them a great addition to your diet. You can enjoy almonds as a snack, add them to your oatmeal or yogurt, or use almond flour in your baking recipes. These nuts are one of the magnesium-rich foods.
Avocado is a trendy food and an excellent source of magnesium and one of the magnesium-rich foods. One medium-sized avocado contains about 58mg of magnesium, about 19% of the recommended daily intake for adults. Avocado is also high in healthy fats, fiber, and potassium, making it a great addition to your diet. You can enjoy avocado as a spread on toast, in a salad, or as a guacamole dip with veggies.
Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is a delicious treat and one of the magnesium-rich foods. One ounce (28 grams) of dark chocolate contains about 64mg of magnesium, about 21% of the recommended daily intake for adults. Dark chocolate is also high in antioxidants and can help improve heart health. Just make sure to choose dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content to get the most benefits. Then, enjoy a small piece of dark chocolate as a dessert or snack to boost your magnesium levels.
Black Beans
Black beans are not only a great source of protein and fiber, but they are also rich in magnesium. One cup (172 grams) of cooked black beans contains:
Black beans are also low in fat and calories, making them a great addition to any meal. Try adding black beans to salads, soups, or as a side dish to boost your magnesium levels and add some delicious flavor to your meals. One of the great magnesium-rich foods.
Sizzling Minerals
The test results on a Sizzling Minerals sample show that each wafer contains 93 mg of cobalt, or a third of the RDA for adult men, plus, off course, at least another 74 minerals!
1 Dickinson HO et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006;3:CD004640
2 Onalan O et al. American Journal of Cardiology 2007;99(12):1726-32
3 Song Y et al. Diabet Med 2006; 23(10):1050-6
4 Sojka JE, Weaver CM. Nutr Rev 1995;53(3):71-4
5 Mohammed S, Goodacre S. Emerg Med J 2007;24(12):823-30
6 Moorkens G et al. Magnes Res 1997 10(4): 329-37
7 Henderson L 2003. The National Diet & Nutrition Survey: Adults Aged 19 to 64 Years
8 Sherwood RA et al. Ann Clin Biochem 1986; 23(Pt6):667-70
9 https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/cp/facts.html
10 Conde-Agudelo A, Romero %. Am J Obstet Gynecol2009; 200(6):595-609
11 Doyle LW et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2009;(1):CD004661
See also:
Aluminum; Boron; Calcium, Chromium; Cobalt; Copper; Iodine, Iron; Manganese, Phosphorus; Selenium, Silicon, Zinc
Synonymous terms: magnesium rich foods; magnesium-rich foods list; What food is highest in magnesium?