Pure Minerals UK
Double Chin


A DOUBLE chin can be the scourge of even the most beautiful women in the world. The actor Richard Burton unkindly once said that Elizabeth Taylor had one.

In March 2024, researchers claimed soya beans can eliminate unwanted facial fat.

In a trial, a compound was used to selectively break down submental fat that affects 6 in 10 people, giving them a double chin. The fat—linked to obesity—may run in families, resulting in skin elasticity loss with age.

In early March 2024, tests began on over 250 patients at Chung-Ang University Hospital, South Korea. The compound, labeled AYP-101, claimed to be the world's first injectable to selectively break down only fat cells.

The trouble is, as the University of Manchester's (UK) Dr. Bav Shergill says:

"The biggest problem in previous tests is the range of side effects, such as numbness."

If people have the full complement of pure plant-derived minerals and the 16 vitamins, they would likely not suffer from unsightly fat deposits. 

As always, follow the money trail in weight and fat loss research.

With no regrets, this scribe remains on the carnivore diet with our Sizzling Minerals and 16 vitamins supplementation. Still feel like a 30-40-year-old at the age of 68, and hill walking—when it's not pissing down and blowing gales!

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