What is the Angelica Herb?

The Angelica herb is the Garden Angelica, Angelica archangelica. It is also referred to as the wild celery and Norwegian Angelica. Angelica is a biennial plant (it grows for two years and then dies) and is grown for its sweetly scented edible stems and roots.
Toxic Relatives
Angelica’s relatives are similar in appearance. They are hogweed, the poisonous giant hogweed, and cow parsley (also known as the cow parsnip), which must never be eaten. In other words, make sure you’ve identified Angelica with absolute certainty. Cow parsley, poison hemlock, and Angelica all have similar leaves and flowers and may be found in similar habitats, but cow parsley and the giant hogweed grow to over 3 m tall.
Be Careful
Despite its widespread use, Angelica can be hazardous to health. For example, the root is poisonous when fresh and must be thoroughly dried before use.
A Vegetable and Candy
Although the angelica root is common in herbal commerce, its leaves, seeds, and shoots are medicinal. The hollow stalks can be used as a vegetable or candied angelica as confectionaries. Also, angelica roots and fruits are extracted from angelica oil to flavor liqueurs. They are also used in perfumery.
Can Angelica Be Eaten Raw?
Angelica is said to have a flavor similar to that of juniper berries, but the roots and stems are the strongest-tasting parts of the plant. Cook Angelica like you would asparagus or celery. Fresh stalks and leaves can be eaten raw, as in fruit salads, or used as a garnish.
Angelica Herb Chemistry
The essential oil content of Angelica root varies based on the age of the roots. The roots contain high levels of terpenes, such as alpha-pinene and beta-phellandrene. Studies show that over 80 different aroma compounds can be extracted from Angelica! The perfume industry is particularly interested in the aromatic cyclopentadecanolide, which gives the Angelica root its distinctive musky aroma.
Angelica Herb Seeds
Angelica seeds have a similar chemical composition to the roots, displaying interesting organic compounds such as alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, camphene, myrcene, beta-phellandrene, limonene, caryophyllene, borneol, and carvone. The compounds in bold are found in hop oils that give beers unique flavors, which is very interesting.
Does Angelica Have Any Health Benefits?
The Angelica herb has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. This powerful herb has three known benefits: for improving digestion, as a possible antibacterial, and relieving menstrual cramps. Explore below these health benefits of the angelica herb and how to incorporate the herb into your daily routine.
Angelica Herb Health Benefits 1: Aids Digestion And Relieves Stomach Discomfort
One of the most well-known benefits of the Angelica herb is its ability to aid digestion and relieve stomach discomfort. This herb contains compounds that can help stimulate the production of digestive juices and enzymes, which can improve the breakdown and absorption of nutrients in the body. Additionally, the Angelica herb has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract and alleviate symptoms of conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and acid reflux. Incorporating angelica herb into your diet, either through supplements or as a tea, can help improve your digestive health and alleviate discomfort.
Angelica Herb Health Benefits 2: Potential Antibacterial Properties
The Angelica herb has a variety of uses in both culinary and medicinal applications. The plant’s roots, seeds, fruits, and flowers are used in supplements and herbal medicine products. It is also used to produce gin and other spirits, and the leaves can be candied for use as a garnish.
Primary use
However, the primary use of the Angelica herb is as an herbal remedy with a long history of traditional use in Europe and Russia. In addition, angelica archangelica essential oil has antibacterial properties and can potentially inhibit mold growth.
Angelica Herb Health Benefits 3: Can Help Regulate Menstrual Cycles And Alleviate Menstrual Cramps
The third benefit of the Angelica herb is its ability to regulate menstrual cycles and alleviate menstrual cramps. This herb has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to help women with menstrual irregularities and discomfort. Angelica herb contains compounds that can help regulate hormonal imbalances and reduce inflammation, which can help alleviate menstrual cramps. Additionally, it can help promote healthy blood flow during menstruation, which can further minimize discomfort. If you suffer from menstrual cramps or irregular cycles, incorporating angelica herb into your diet or taking it as a supplement may be worth considering.
Angelica herb supplements are available in capsule, liquid extract, and dried tea form, but a safe dosage has yet to be established. Therefore, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before using Angelica-based supplements, especially for pregnant women or if you have pre-existing medical conditions or are taking blood thinners. In addition, Self-treatment with Angelica supplements can have severe consequences and delay professional care.
Herbs, Spices, and Minerals

As with everything we eat, herbs and spices work optimally in the presence of the full complement of 75+ pure hydrophilic plant-derived minerals. See this page for a complete rundown of why we need ALL the minerals mother nature ought to give us with our foods. Unfortunately, if the herbs and spices are grown on mineral-deficient soils (most commercial farm soils are), they will also lack vital minerals.
Volcanic And Glacial Soils
Those fortunate to have fresh glacial or volcanic soils added to the soil in which their herbs grow can be certain that their herbs will contain many minerals now missing in most soils around the world.
Can We Add Minerals To Grow Bags?
Yes. Our Powdered Minerals contain 75+ minerals from 70-million-year-old Senonian compost extracted from the TRC mines in Utah. Simply add a spoonful of the powder to a watering can before watering the Grow Bag. You only need to do this once because plants take the minerals in trace amounts to be incorporated into their tissues. Think about tomato plants in greenhouses: mineral-rich, juicy tomatoes every time! But growing your own herbs is just as good.
It’ll be worthwhile experimenting: compare the growth and yields of herbs grown in soils with added powdered minerals with those in grow bags with ordinary compost. First, of course, you must adopt the scientific approach and use controls with various mineral dosages. Then repeat the experiment with other herbs. But one thing is for sure: eating mineral-rich herbs will mean you also get to benefit from the minerals.
Links: sizzling minerals; petlife complete; root of all disease; minerals list; TRC minerals; vitamins; bioflavonoids
Synonymous terms: angelica root benefits for skin; angelica leaves; angelica flower